2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 1 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 2 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 3 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 4 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 5 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 6 2 Stroke Calculator screenshot 7
Supported Devices
May 22,2019
143.76 KB
Release Date
Quickly find out how much oil needs to be added to your gasoline when filling up your 2 stroke engine!

Input your gas as...
- Gallons
- Liters

Tells you how much oil as...
- Liters
- Milliliters
- Ounces
- Quarts
- Pints

Tap to change between the different formats.

The app also supports switching between US and Imperial measurements!

This is the fastest and easiest to use 2-stroke premix calculator on the Store. The app opens instantly and you can immediately type in how much fuel you added. Your gas to oil ratio is remembered from the last time you set it.

The app is completely free, and has no advertisements! Enjoy!

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