40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 1 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 2 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 3 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 4 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 5 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 6 40 An Nawawis Hadiths screenshot 7
Supported Devices
May 18,2019
1.35 MB
Release Date
The collection of Forty Hadith by al-Imam al-Nawawi (or Imam Nawawi)

All Praise is due to Allah(Swt) and much peace and many blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad(pbuh)), his family, his companions, his followers and those who disseminate his call until the Day of Judgment.

The collection of Forty Hadith by al-Imam al-Nawawi (or Imam Nawawi) has been known, accepted and appreciated by Muslim scholars for the last seven centuries.

Its significance lay in the fact that these selected forty hadiths comprise the main essential and fundamental concepts of Islam which, in turn, construct the minimum level of required revealed knowledge for every single Muslim. Since having good knowledge of the various fundamental aspects of the religion is key to a Muslim's practice and application of Islam, this App attempts to provide simple and practical commentaries to the collection of Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith.

Various principles are contained in these hadiths, such as belief, Muslim ethics and fiqh.

The App features following 40 hadiths related to:
1. Actions are judged by intentions
2. Islam, Iman, Ihsan, Qadar
3. The five pillars of Islam
4. Creation of human being; Al-Qadar
5. Ibadah and Bida'ah (Innovation)
6. Purification of the heart
7. Sincerity
8. Seeking Allah's Forgiveness
9. How are obligations to be fulfilled?
10. Being pure (at-Tayyib)
11. Avoiding doubtful acts
12. Being concerned with beneficial matters
13. The obligation of loving all Muslims
14. The value of human life
15. Good manners with neighbours and guests
16. Restraining oneself from anger
17. The concept of Ihsan
18. The concept of Taqwa
and many more...

It is free download it now!
App Features:
• 40 Hadiths
• Search box
• Easy Browsing
• Favorites functionality
• Change font size functionality