AV Collector

AV Collector

1 By空空大师   |   $2.69

AV Collector screenshot 1 AV Collector screenshot 2 AV Collector screenshot 3 AV Collector screenshot 4 AV Collector screenshot 5 AV Collector screenshot 6 AV Collector screenshot 7 AV Collector screenshot 8
Supported Devices
May 16,2019
40.19 MB
Release Date
We won't collect your privacy for advertising, because the program is a stand-alone version with no networking capabilities, and UWP is Microsoft's new generation of app architecture, very secure, without any residual files after uninstalled.
0. Added - Video files on PC can be viewed on mobile phones
1. Added - App nodes can share data with each other --video files on PC can be viewed on tablet and XBOX
2. Add Simple Mode--Automatically Refresh Folders,Automatically Pairing,Automatically Labeling
3. I have a lot of video files on my computer. I don't know which video file is in which folder and what is in which video when I want to see it. I can only guess by name, or open the video file and click the progress bar to check.
4. Jumping between the folders is very troublesome, inconvenient, and experience is extremely poor. I need a simple solution somewhat like iPhone, like click the poster, check the details, and begin to playback from right the time I preferred, three simple clicks, that's all it needs. No more folders
5. Here it is, this AV Collector. Each item in this program needs a poster and a video file. After paired and labeled, it looks very handy and extremely simple. It's somewhat like the difference between bicycle and automatic gear car.
6. The playback page supports voice control. So you can free your hands--Let it do what it born to do ^_^
7. This is not entirely commercial ad, dude, just have a try.
8. The software has a one-month trial period.
9.Voice Commands
Volume Down,Volume Up,
Accelerate,Decelerate,Backward,Forward,Skip Forward,Skip Backward
Full Screen,Exit FullScreen
Next Track,Next Video,Next Time Span,Previous Track,Previous Video,Previous Time Span
Important note:
0. App on XBOX platform can only receive shared data from PC and tablet. The main reason is that XBOX platform is not desktop and has limited functions. When sharing data, you need to open the shared service on the classified pages
1, Before uninstalling App, you must go to the settings page and click Delete All App Data.

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