Buddhist Sutras screenshot 1 Buddhist Sutras screenshot 2 Buddhist Sutras screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
151.88 MB
Release Date
Buddhist scriptures are the sayings of the Buddha. When reciting them, you will benefit from the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Recitation will not only help eliminate your negative karma; it will also bring strength, wisdom and inner peace, so that you can overcome all kinds of obstacles. And it does not cost a cent. All it requires is persistence and wholehearted sincerity.

More Buddhist Apps ⟶ http://xlfmlink.com/app
Watch Introduction Video ⟶ http://xlfmlink.com/intro

Complete Mahayana Buddhist Sutra Collection:
- Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou)
- Sapta Atitabuddha Karasaniya Dharani (Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan)
- Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Pa Yi Chieh Yeh Chang Ken Pen Te Sheng Ching Tu To Lo Ni)
- Jvala Mahaugra Dharani (Hsiao Tsai Chi Hsiang Shen Chou)
- Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots (Chieh Chieh Chou)
- Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen)
- Cundi Dharani (Chun Ti Shen Chou)
- Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching)
- Dharani to Purify Karma from Speech (Jing Kou Ye Zhen Yan)
- Six Syllable Mantra
- Dharani to Patch Flaws in Recitation (Bu Que Zhen Yan)
- Sheng Wu Liang Shou
- Gong De Bao Shan Shen Zhou
- Da Ji Xiang Tian Nu Zhou
- Guna Ratna Sila Dharani (Kung Te Pao Shan Shen Chou)
- Aryavalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Vikurvana Dharani (Kuan Yin Ling Kan Chen Yan)
- Bhaisajyaguru Vaidurya Prabhasa Tathagata Abhisecani Dharani (Yao Shi Guan Ding Zhen Yan)

The scriptures in the app are chanted by followers of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (Xin Ling Fa Men) belongs to the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It encourages people to recite Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras) on a daily basis, practise life liberation (that is, saving the lives of beings destined for slaughter), and make great vows to help more people. These three "Golden Practices" lay a solid foundation for improved physical and mental well-being; they have been proved to cure illnesses, resolve relationship conflicts and increase spiritual strength and wisdom.

Introduction to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door
心灵法门介绍 ⟶ http://guanyincitta.info

Recitation Audio with Scriptures and Pinyin (with Daily Homework Guide)
经文教念版音频 ⟶ http://xinlingfamen.info

Guan Yin Citta Worldwide Contacts
心灵法门共修会地址 ⟶ http://xlfmlink.com/locations

Online eBooks (English/中文/Bahasa Indonesia)
心灵法门电子书籍 ⟶ http://ebooks.xinlingfamen.info