Dell Education Data Management Demo screenshot 1 Dell Education Data Management Demo screenshot 2 Dell Education Data Management Demo screenshot 3 Dell Education Data Management Demo screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 17,2019
1.29 MB
Release Date
Dell EDM solutions have been proven to transform institutional data into actionable insights that teachers, faculty, staff and students can all use to monitor and improve results.

The Challenge
The primary goal of every education institution is to see students learn, grow, graduate and succeed in the workforce. Retention rates affect both reputation and revenue cycle. K-12 school districts, colleges and universities have countless data points for students, but vital records are often housed in various formats and across diverse systems, with no way to consolidate them. This makes it difficult to find high value information and apply it to achieving student and campus goals.

The Dell solution
EDM is a decision support system designed to meet and exceed institutional goals while addressing federal, state, district, college and university mandates. The Dell EDM solution can help you cleanse, integrate, identify, and analyze data to improve institutional efficiency, and empower educators to inspire student success. As a result, administrators are left with a dashboard of accurate, actionable data that will help monitor
student on-track performance.

EDM enables better-performing education strategies, including recruitment and retention, fiscal management, compliance and reporting, PK-20 data monitoring and workforce readiness measurements. Dashboards and key performance indicators can be used to improve student performance, monitor the efficiency of intervention programs and help identify students at risk.

EDM is comprised of a robust data model, integration business logic for common systems in use by educational institutions, and starter dashboards. Monitor and support:

 Enrollment demographics
 Attendance
 Grades & Assessments
 Discipline
 College readiness
 Instructor/Class effectiveness
 Student Success forecasting
 At-risk modeling

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