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Supported Devices
May 17,2019
21.41 MB
Release Date
Multiple applications in one Integral Software.

Complex Number Calculator
- Convert up to three expressions.
- Perform arithmetic operations on two expressions.
- Transform three expressions between star and delta formats.
- All of the above in both Cartesian and Polar with no restriction on either format.

Matrix Arithmetic Operations
- Perform arithmetic operations on two matrices with no restriction on the size of the matrices.

Statistical Measurement and Number Processing
- Add elements manually, randomly, or from text files.
- Remove elements manually, or from text files.
- Search elements of various types and storing them in text files.
- Perform statistical measurement of those elements.

System of Linear Equations
- Solve up to a system of four linear equations.

Solar Calculator
- Compute solar declination, elevation, azimuth, hour angle, air mass, irradiance, equation of time, solar and modular intensity, and modular efficiency.
- Includes a graph for data visualisation.

Time Value of Money
- Compute future value, present value, interest, years, annual compounding period, annuity for up to three financial products: lump sum, ordinary annuity and annuity due.
- Includes a graph for data visualisation.

- Wheel of Fortune style.
- Add your own words, or guess between Shades of Colours, Chemical Elements, or State and Territories.