Voice Logger screenshot 1 Voice Logger screenshot 2 Voice Logger screenshot 3 Voice Logger screenshot 4 Voice Logger screenshot 5 Voice Logger screenshot 6 Voice Logger screenshot 7 Voice Logger screenshot 8
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
4.54 MB
Release Date
Voice Logger
This application for Ham Radio is designed to use voice recognition to log contacts, lookup a callsign (QRZ Subscription required), track current spots and filter them as well as display the current solar weather. The application was originally designed to allow logging HF contacts while driving.

Voice Logging
Full featured voice recognition logger which remembers your last frequency, reads you the last contact back and recognizes radio phonetics. The logger accepts commands like 'log kilo five november gulf uniform frequency 28488' and can be invoked through the help interface with the following command 'voice logger new contact' and the relevant information. More details on the help page for the application.

Lookup Callsign
With a valid QRZ XML subscription one can lookup a callsign, retrieve all the relevant information and then have that information read to you. This capability is particularly useful if you hear a station but are not sure where or who the operator is.

This part of the application when invoked retrieves the last 100 entries by default and displays the spots. The spots can be filtered by band, region of the spotter and spotted callsign.

Space Weather
This part of the application displays the current space weather and reads the weather to you if requested. The page uses both tabular and gauge displays. The information is refreshed in real-time when viewed.

Thanks in advance for using the application and please keep in mind it is Version 1. As I receive feedback I will continue to improve the application and try to build out the voice recognition capabilities.

To use the spotting capability you must also telnet into the Texas DX Society Spotting Server one time to register. The address is on the 'Options' page.

Please keep the suggestions coming and use the EMail Author button on the About page to contact me regarding the functionality or questions.

73 de K5NGU

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