

4 ByFrank Eppink   |   $0.99

WebcamRecorder screenshot 1
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
23.27 MB
Release Date
This WebcamRecorder app is useful to record pictures or videos while you are away from your computer, e.g. away from home.
It offers several recording modes that record only if a certain condition is fulfilled, like detected motion or faces.
You can use it for example to record pictures of your pets and what they are doing during the day.

The available recording modes are
- video
- snapshots: regular pictures or videos taken at a specified frequency, e.g. every 10 seconds
- face detection: a picture or a video is taken if a face has been detected
- motion detection: a picture or a video is taken if motion has been detected
- character detection: a picture or a video is taken if text has been detected

Additional options:
- Schedule a recording session by specifying start and end time.
- Select the camera to be used, like e.g. front or rear, built-in or USB.
- Set a threshold for motion and character detection to adapt to different lighting conditions or different cameras.
- Take a single snapshot by clicking on the preview of the WebCam.

Options that are not available because of other settings are greyed out.
Recording mode video for example excludes many other settings.

Storage Location:
The pictures and videos are stored on the local disk of your computer.
You can select the storage folder, so you have complete control.
If you want to have them in the cloud, use the local sync folder of e.g. OneDrive or DropBox.

Please note that locking the screen or minimizing the application stops recording of videos or images.
This is due to (reasonable) limitations of Windows.

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