WWII Maritime Heritage Trail: Battle of Saipan View Book screenshot 1 WWII Maritime Heritage Trail: Battle of Saipan View Book screenshot 2
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
851.79 MB
Release Date
This is a companion application for the WWII Maritime Heritage Trail View Book (Augmented Reality Edition) available at the link below. The media and models made available by East Carolina University, Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research, the National Park Service, and the United States Marine Corps among other generous organizations and individuals.

The application was created by the students and staff of William J. Palmer High School in partnership with the Marianas Young Professionals with the support of the Succeeds Prize from Colorado Succeeds and the donations of Arrow Electronics.

We would like to thank everyone involved with the project before, during, and after our small additions as well as all of the service men and women and those affected by this historical event.

Link to the printable view book: https://d11-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/sean_wybrant_d11_org/EYOdJdQnKhhHvbrdfrqc7XcBEymZ78mti6f1ZB4vZkNgpQ?e=gGodJ0

Please let us know what suggestions and recommendations you have for future releases.

This work was done by high school students and staff members at a regular public high school. If you would like to support us in our future endeavors, please consider a donation to our high school program. Contact Sean Wybrant, Digital Media Studies instructor, for information on how you can get involved with us and our work. sean.wybrant@d11.org. Thank you for your consideration.